
schedule a session

Individual sessions are available

or Schedule a 3-Series Package for ongoing support

Why Restorative Hypnotherapy

The unique combination of hypnosis, guided mediation and restorative yoga, allows for a relaxation deeper than traditional hypnosis.  Many people find they have released a significant amount of tension and trauma in one session alone.  Subsequent sessions have helped them even more.  

Restorative Hypnotherapy has been developed by Lisa Hubler of A Mind Matters for over 20 years.   

What happens in the session?

  • Conveniently held over Zoom.  First sessions can run between 2 – 2.5 hours.
  • We discuss the issues you are dealing with and your intentions for the first portion so I can cater the hypnosis to your needs.
  • Then we will make sure you are set up comfortably in a relaxing position and begin the guided portion.
  • Headphones, pillows and an eye pillow will contribute to an even better experience.
  • You will receive a recording of the guided track of your session. Listening to your recording a few times a week or more can maximize your benefits.